Scottish National Investment Bank:
Making an impact
The Scottish National Investment Bank is Scotland’s first development investment bank, wholly owned by the Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland.
The Bank is an impact investor, focussed on delivering both commercial returns and mission impacts – positive environmental or social change - with its investments.
As a publicly limited company, the Bank is operationally independent
from government.
The Bank invests in business and projects connected to Scotland to deliver long term, patient debt or equity investment where this investment is not being fulfilled by the private market, and acts to encourage or enable private capital to be invested alongside its own funds.
The Bank’s missions are:
Supporting Scotland’s transition
to net zeroBuilding communities and promoting equality
Harnessing innovation to enable our people to flourish
The Scottish Government has committed to capitalising the Bank with £2bn in its first 10 years. Over time as the Bank’s initial investments are repaid, it will reinvest those funds to create a perpetual investment fund to support the Scottish economy in the long term. The Bank was established in November 2020.