Skills & careers
Access to diverse talent is a critical success factor for financial services. We work with Scotland’s financial sector, schools, colleges and universities on a range of initiatives to ensure we have a sustainable pipeline of people joining the sector while also supporting people to upskill and reskill.
Financial services are rapidly responding to technological changes which create huge opportunities for the sector’s growth and development. Meeting this opportunity requires us to address key skills haps, particularly in technology-based roles.
Our skills strategy
Our skills strategy includes three main pillars:
Promotion: Promoting the sector, improving people’s knowledge about the various sub-sectors and boost visibility of employers operating in Scotland
Pathways: Provide clear and comprehensive guidance on how to enter the sector, outlining the different routes and opportunities
Skills: Offering valuable information on sought-after skills within the industry and presenting opportunities for professional development and skill enhancement
getinto.finance is a digital skills hub designed to help you explore career opportunities in the financial sector. Its backed by the industry and supported by Scotland’s universities and colleges, so it’s full of handy resources to help you make an informed decision about your career options.
Get involved
Education engagement: working with schools, colleges and universities to help inspire more people across scotland. We are constantly looking for partners and volunteers to join us. If you or your firm would like to take part in future education engagement work please get in touch at skillsandtalent@sfe.org.uk
Skills insights: We are helping connect industry with education by connecting our SFE members with education partners, gathering insights about emerging skills gaps and supporting the development of development programmes for professionals in different stages of their career