#ScottishAppWeek2023 | Mhairi McLean
Mhairi McLean, Manager at Lloyds Banking Group
1. What was your apprenticeship and why did you choose it?
I was curious about the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship during National Apprenticeship week last year and secured my place on the course in September 2022. I have always been committed to my development and this option provided me with an option to gain practical work experience whilst working towards professional qualifications, including a BA hons Degree in Business Management, a Chartered Manager Institute qualification and a level 6 apprenticeship.
2. What did you enjoy most about your apprenticeship and why?
It was daunting to take on higher education after being away from it for so long. However, I have really enjoyed the challenge and how the modules allow you to see the business with a broader mindset. The most enjoyable area has been the networking opportunities, my cohort group have a range experience and based at various locations and stages of their career, its been great getting to know so many people who are all going through this journey together and supporting each other throughout.
3. Describe something that surprised you about your apprenticeship?
When I applied for the apprenticeship, I did a lot of research into the course so I knew what I was taking on. However, I was surprised by the level of investment the business is willing to put into you. The courses content, the locations, the time away from my day job and the level of support I get make me realise how lucky I am to work for such a great company with these opportunities.
4. Describe something you learned about yourself doing your apprenticeship?
This course has given me the opportunity to self-reflect on my current approach to my role and that of the roles I aspire to. The modules have given me an opportunity to improve my communication and problem-solving skills which has allowed me to both articulate myself more clearly and understand the conversations around table which I was not exposed to prior this learning.
5. What is your role now and how did your apprenticeship help prepare you for it?
I have just started my apprenticeship journey however the skills I have implemented so far has made me a better leader. By the end of the course, my aim to have secured a senior leadership role and to be sharing my knowledge to inspire our future leaders within the group.