#ScotAppWeek22 Financial Services Apprentice.


Profile #1| Katie Mint, Abrdn

What are the benefits of doing an apprenticeship for your personal development and your career path? For #ScotAppWeek22 we’ve been speaking to apprentices and former apprentices now making their careers in financial services. This is what Katie had to tell us about her experience.

What was your apprenticeship and why did you choose it?

When I first joined abrdn I completed an apprenticeship in Business and Administration. The reason I chose this is because I wanted to continue my education whilst still being able to work. Once I had passed this, I was keen to continue learning and found out I could complete a Graduate Apprenticeship at abrdn. After expressing my interest and applying for the course, I am now working towards my BA (Hons) in Business Management with Robert Gordons University (RGU). I think this degree will be very beneficial to my overall understanding of the business and investment environment, and ensure I have the right skills, knowledge and capabilities for my own personal and professional development, and to contribute to abrdn’s current and future success.

What did you enjoy most about your apprenticeship and why?

The thing I enjoy most about my apprenticeship are the opportunities it has provided me with. I am able to learn about different areas of the business, and enhance my network by meeting people at abrdn who work in these areas. I have also greatly improved my academic writing skills, which has been made possible through a selection of workshops, input from lecturers and one-to-one sessions with study skills at RGU. As well as this, there are many others on my course from across Scotland, which has allowed me to new people and gives me an insight into different sectors and industries.

Describe something that surprised you about your apprenticeship?

Something that surprised me about my apprenticeship was the challenge of time management. I knew doing a full-time job and a full-time degree was never going to be easy but I think I underestimated the amount of organisation it takes to stay on top of both!

Describe something you learned about yourself doing your apprenticeship?

Something I learnt about myself during my apprenticeship was to have more confidence in my own abilities. My first module at university was accounting, which I found extremely difficult, so when I handed in my first assignment I was convinced I had failed. When I received my results back I couldn’t believe that I had even passed, let alone with an A grade. I was so pleased and I proved to myself that I was capable of studying and working.

If you are in a full-time role now, tell us about your role and what you enjoy about it?

I currently work for abrdn in the Central ESG Investment Team. The team is split into two pillars: Responsible Investment which focuses on research, sustainability funds and our clients, and the Stewardship Team which focus on engaging with investee companies and voting at their AGM’s. My day to day role is very varied as I support both sides of the team. Some of my tasks include answering client queries on voting and engagement questions, attending investee company meetings and assisting with research for these, collating information for our annual Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) submission, and assisting with the production of documents such as our quarterly Active Ownership Reports and the Stewardship Code. There are so many things I enjoy about my job but knowing the work I am doing is having a direct positive influence on investee companies, society and the wider world is definitely the best part.

Steven Scott

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#ScotAppWeek22 Financial Services Apprentice.


Member Update February.