Embracing diverse pathways: Scotland’s #NoWrongPath Campaign


Sandy Begbie CBE, SFE Chief Executive and Chair of Developing the Young Workforce


As the results of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) exams are announced today, thousands of young people across Scotland will be celebrating their achievements and planning their next steps.

However, for some, the exam results may not reflect their aspirations or potential, and they may feel uncertain or anxious about their future.

That is why Scottish Financial Enterprise (SFE), the representative body for Scotland's financial services industry, is supporting the #NoWrongPath campaign, which aims to inspire and reassure young people that there are many routes to success and happiness beyond the traditional academic path.

The #NoWrongPath campaign, founded by the Developing the Young Workforce, is a fantastic initiative that showcases the diverse and exciting opportunities available for young people in Scotland, regardless of their exam results. As someone who left school at 16 with very average qualifications, I know first-hand that there is no wrong path to achieving your goals and dreams. What matters most is having a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and a passion for what you do.

If we reflect on how we got to where we are now in our careers, everyone's experiences are different and some more positive than others. We all have a story to tell that can help bring the #NoWrongPath ethos to life. We can question how certain doors opened for us or did we have to push hard at those doors, overcoming challenges along the way?  Who supported us, did we have mentors along the way? Was our career linear or less so? What would we tell our younger selves?  

The campaign is more than just today and with my Chair of the Developing the Young Workforce Employer Forum hat on, I urge you to get involved. This is about investing in young people in the longer term too.  For some young people receiving results today, the journey will be tougher than for others. What can we do to help, what can our organisations and sector do?   

The financial services industry is one of the key sectors that can help drive Scotland's economic recovery and growth, and we need a diverse and skilled workforce to do that. That is why SFE and its members are committed to creating more pathways for young people to enter and progress in the sector. We offer a range of apprenticeships, internships, graduate programmes and mentoring schemes that can help young people develop their skills, confidence and career prospects.

I would encourage any young person who is interested in working in the financial services industry to visit the SFE website and explore the different options available. You don't need to have a degree or a specific qualification to join the sector; you just need to have a curiosity and an enthusiasm for learning new things. There is no wrong path to a rewarding and fulfilling career in financial services.

As we celebrate the achievements and potential of Scotland's young people today, let's remember that success is not a one-size-fits-all journey. The #NoWrongPath campaign is a testament to the myriad of possibilities that await, regardless of results. It's a reminder that every experience, every challenge, and every choice leads to growth and learning. So, to all the employers out there, let's embrace this movement and open doors to a future where every path is valued and every ambition is achievable. Together, we can shape a vibrant and inclusive future for Scotland's economy and our future workforce.

Contact your local Developing the Young Workforce group to get more involved.  https://www.dyw.scot  


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